Monday, May 6, 2013

Digital Citizenship (Mid-Level 6-8)

What is digital citizenship and how does it affect you as a teacher?  The whole concept of digital citizenship sounds more complicated than it really is.  Basically it's teaching people how to use and utilize technology and the online world without overstepping your boundaries and breaking any rules.  It's the responsible behavior that one needs to have when online.

"Your online reputation is just as good as your normal reputation.  How you act online is important"(Dunn).

Complications with digital citizenship have been a problem.  Students are influenced both in school and outside of school.  Parents are a big part of teaching kids what is good and bad in the online realm.  Kids do not spend all of their time in school and chances are they start learning how to use technology before they even start school so parents play a very key role.

Works Cited


  1. Great post Justin I completely agree with having the parents starting to become leaders. I also think that teachers need to be leaders as well. Good Job!

  2. I like how you placed emphasis on parents as well as teachers. Your links work, however, I cannot view your works cited page because I do not have permission. To fix this, go to share in Google Drive and change the setting to public or anyone with a link.

  3. Every element was there and well layed out and looked attractive. The only problem was the work cited link said needs permission to view
